Lotus Notes® and Domino® 8.5.2
IBM® Lotus Notes® and Domino® 8.5.2 provides enhancements for both the end user and developer…
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150e download van onze iPhone app.
Laat uw positieve recensie of waardering voor onze iPhone app Notes nieuws achter op: iTunes De 5 leukste reacties worden beloont met een iPhone. Magazine…
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Cookie Monster for IBM
Way back in the 1960s, Jim Henson created a number of videos for IBM. These include training films and ads. This article includes four of the videos which range from under a minute to almost ten minutes in length…
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A Deep-dive on Building Lotus Domino applications with XPages
This Technical Webcast is scheduled for Thursday, June 17, 2010.…
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Google biedt Lotes Notes - migratie
Google heeft een tool onthuld waarmee bedrijven kunnen migreren van Lotus Notes naar Google Apps. De vertrouwde client kan daarbij in gebruik blijven.
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Join your peers at the largest Lotus User Group event ever held in the Netherlands
Two full conference days, packed with IT Strategy & Vision, technology and inspiration. All around IBM Lotus software. Learn from others, see real life examples, network with peers or get yourself known with the latest in technology from IBM Lotus.…
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retirement of the entire suite of Lotus Notes Domino 7 exams
Near the end of June, Lotus Certification announced the upcoming
retirement of the entire suite of Lotus Notes Domino 7 exams and the
corresponding certifications.…
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TackItOn registration is open - iPhone development, XPages 101 and Domino Optimization Tour
Being held on Wednesday August 4th 2010…
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IBM efficienter werken
Diverse filmpjes van Arjan Radder
o.a. tijdens Social Networking meets Unified Communications…
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Tungle, the company that makes scheduling meetings easy
Tungle, the company that makes scheduling meetings easy, announced today the availability of its software for IBM’s (NYSE: IBM) Lotus Notes collaboration software at the Lotusphere Comes to You conference in Toronto. The application will be introduced and demonstrated on stage today by Tungle CEO Marc Gingras and IBM Software Group Director of Messaging, Ed Brill.…
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IBM's Lotus not dead yet
It seemed that just about every month last year another story would appear in the media about an account that IBM lost to Microsoft on the basis of a Notes-Exchange migration, with Defence and Qantas being some of the bigger names revealing plans to migrate away from the darling of Email 1.0 over the last few years.…
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Five Companies that Need to Build Better iPad Apps
Five Companies that Need to Build Better iPad Apps Now We're a week and a half into the iPad Era, so we have a better idea of both the opportunity and limitations of Apple's latest computing platform.…
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Saving Notes: Why The Notes Client Must Die
This is an article I could not have seen myself writing a few months ago (or perhaps even 2 weeks ago). Ever since Notes 6 was released I have been disappointed by the lack of subsequent support I have seen IBM give to Notes client development…
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A better way to create, connect and collaborate
Discover the IBM Lotus Notes and Lotus Domino software platform
Many businesses are focusing on doing more with less today
in order to prepare for growth tomorrow. For thousands of companies worldwide, IBM Lotus Notes® and Lotus® Domino® software is helping them to do just that.…
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Webinar - Comparing LotusLive, Domino Hosting, Disaster Recovery and More
Why pay for all that expensive travel cost? Join us for another quality webinar next week on April 15 2010…
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Lotus Roadmap: Enhancing Business Collaboration with Lotus Software
This report analyzes the go-forward strategic role of Lotus Notes and other Lotus software within client organizations, and argues for a much broader definition of the term "roadmap".…
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Webcast replay and commissioned study on Lotus and Domino 8.5 economic benefits
In this prerecorded Webcast, senior Forrester Consulting analysts present a Total Economic Impact (TEI) commissioned study on Lotus Notes and Domino 8.5…
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Lotusphere comes to you
Lotusphere 2010 in Orlando gemist? We praten u ook dit jaar graag bij over het Lotusportfolio met speciale aandacht voor cloudcomputing met Lotuslive, de ontwikkelkracht van Xpages en de toekomst van Lotus Quickr en Connections en Project Vulcan…
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BLUG day event: March 30th, 2010: Live Blogging
Alistair Rennie IBM Lotus Softwares General Manager…
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Lotus Domino on Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Via my blog subscriptions I picked this wiki article on getting started with Lotus Domino for Amazon Web Services (IBM Lotus Domino 8.5.1 on Amazon Web Services: A getting started guide)…
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